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CCDB → Angiosperms → Brassicaceae → Cardamine → Cardamine flexuosa With.
Name | Accepted Name | Gametophytic(n) | Sporophytic(2n) | Data Source | reference | ||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Slovakia Database | Marhold K., 1994: Chromosome numbers of the genus Cardamine L. (Cruciferae) in the Carpathians and in Pannonia. - Phyton (Horn) 34/1: 19-34. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Slovakia Database | Májovský J. et al., 1978: Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora (Part 6). - Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comen., Bot. 26: 1-42. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Slovakia Database | Marhold K., 1994: Chromosome numbers of the genus Cardamine L. (Cruciferae) in the Carpathians and in Pannonia. - Phyton (Horn) 34/1: 19-34. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | IAPT/IOPB | IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 4 | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Marhold K., 1994: Chromosome numbers of the genus Cardamine L. (Cruciferae) in the Carpathians and in Pannonia. - Phyton (Horn) 34 /1: 19-34. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Marhold K., 1994: Chromosome numbers of the genus Cardamine L. (Cruciferae) in the Carpathians and in Pannonia. - Phyton (Horn) 34 /1: 19-34. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Banach - Pogan E., 1955: Dalsze badania cytologiczne nad gatunkami rodzaju Cardamine L. (Further cytological studies in Cardamine L.).. - Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae 24 /2: 275-286. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Banach - Pogan E., 1955: Dalsze badania cytologiczne nad gatunkami rodzaju Cardamine L. (Further cytological studies in Cardamine L.).. - Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae 24 /2: 275-286. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Banach - Pogan E., 1955: Dalsze badania cytologiczne nad gatunkami rodzaju Cardamine L. (Further cytological studies in Cardamine L.).. - Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae 24 /2: 275-286. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Banach - Pogan E., 1955: Dalsze badania cytologiczne nad gatunkami rodzaju Cardamine L. (Further cytological studies in Cardamine L.).. - Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae 24 /2: 275-286. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Banach - Pogan E., 1955: Dalsze badania cytologiczne nad gatunkami rodzaju Cardamine L. (Further cytological studies in Cardamine L.).. - Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae 24 /2: 275-286. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Banach - Pogan E., 1955: Dalsze badania cytologiczne nad gatunkami rodzaju Cardamine L. (Further cytological studies in Cardamine L.).. - Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae 24 /2: 275-286. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Banach - Pogan E., 1955: Dalsze badania cytologiczne nad gatunkami rodzaju Cardamine L. (Further cytological studies in Cardamine L.).. - Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae 24 /2: 275-286. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Měsíček J., Javůrková - Jarolímová V., 1992: List of Chromosome Numbers of the Czech Vascular Plants.Academia. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Hara H., 1952: Cotributions to the Study of Variations in the Japanese Plants closely related to those of Europe or North Amerika. Part 1. - J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 6 /2: 30-60. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 16 | Cardamine | Pritchard G. G., 1957: Experimental Taxonomic Studies on Species of Cardamine Linn. in New Zealand. - Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 85 1: 75-89. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Lövkvist B., 1956: The Cardamine pratensis complex (Outlines of its cytogenetics and taxonomy). - Symb. Bot. Upsal. 14 /2: 1-131. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Skalińska M., 1950: Studies in chromosome numbers of Polish Angiosperms. - Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae 20: 45-68. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | ca. 32 | Cardamine | Manton I., 1932: Introduction to the General Cytology of the Cruciferae. - Ann. Bot. 46 /183: 509-556. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Lövkvist B., 1957: Experimental Studies in Cardamine amara. - Bot. Not. 110 /4: 423-441. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Májovský J. et al., 1978: Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora (Part 6). - Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comen., Bot. 26 : 1-42. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Lövkvist B., 1950: Polyploidy and Differentation in the Cardamine pratensis Complex.. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Spasskaya N. A., 1979: Khromosomnie chisla vidov roda Cardamine L. (Brassicaceae) Evropejskoi chasti SSSR. - Bot. Zhurn. S.S.S.R 64 /8: 1099-1109. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Spasskaya N. A., 1979: Khromosomnie chisla vidov roda Cardamine L. (Brassicaceae) Evropejskoi chasti SSSR. - Bot. Zhurn. S.S.S.R 64 /8: 1099-1109. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Spasskaya N. A., 1979: Khromosomnie chisla vidov roda Cardamine L. (Brassicaceae) Evropejskoi chasti SSSR. - Bot. Zhurn. S.S.S.R 64 /8: 1099-1109. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Spasskaya N. A., 1979: Khromosomnie chisla vidov roda Cardamine L. (Brassicaceae) Evropejskoi chasti SSSR. - Bot. Zhurn. S.S.S.R 64 /8: 1099-1109. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Spasskaya N. A., 1979: Khromosomnie chisla vidov roda Cardamine L. (Brassicaceae) Evropejskoi chasti SSSR. - Bot. Zhurn. S.S.S.R 64 /8: 1099-1109. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Luque T., Díaz Lifante Z., 1991: Chromosome numbers of plants collected during Iter Mediterraneum I in the SE of Spain. - Bocconea 1 : 303-364. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Gadella TH. W. J., Kliphuis E., 1963: Chromosome numbers of flowering plants in the Netherlands. - Acta Bot. Neerl. 12 : 195-230. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Gadella TH. W. J., Kliphuis E., 1963: Chromosome numbers of flowering plants in the Netherlands. - Acta Bot. Neerl. 12 : 195-230. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Gadella Th. W. J., Kliphuis E., 1966: Chromosome numbers of flowering plants in the Netherlands II.. - Proc.Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. C 59 /5: 541-556. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Gadella Th. W. J., Kliphuis E., 1966: Chromosome numbers of flowering plants in the Netherlands II.. - Proc.Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. C 59 /5: 541-556. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Queirós M., 1973: Contribuiç?o para o conhecimento citotaxonómico das Spermatophyta de Portugal. - Bol. Soc. Brot. 47 /2: 315-335. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 16 | 32 | Cardamine | Rollins R. C., 1993: The Cruciferae of Continental Nord America.Stanford, California. | ||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Thurling N., 1968: A cytotaxonomic study of Australian Cardamine. - Aust. J. Bot. 16 : 515-523. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Thurling N., 1968: A cytotaxonomic study of Australian Cardamine. - Aust. J. Bot. 16 : 515-523. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 15 | Cardamine | Beuzenberg E. J., Hair J. B., 1983: Contributions to a chromosome atlas the New Zealand flora - 25 Miscellaneous species. - New Zealand J. Bot. 21: 13-20. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Ančev M. E., Goranova V., 1999: [Report], pp. 331-339. - In: Kamari G., Felber F., Garbari F., Mediterranean chromosome number reports 9, Flora Mediterranea 9. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cardamine | Koch M., Bishop J., Mitchell-Olds T., 1999: Molecular Systematics and Evolution of Arabidopsis and Arabis. - Pl. Biol. 1: 529-537. | |||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | British Isles cytology | Howard, H.W. (1970) | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | ca 30 | British Isles cytology | Bevan, D., Rich, T.C.G. Watsonia 18: 403-405 (1991) | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | ca 32 | British Isles cytology | Manton, I. Ann. Bot. (London) 46: 509-556 (1932) | ||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Flora Iberica | Chromosome numbers of plants collected during Iter Mediterraneum I in the SE of Spain. Luque, T. & Z. Daz Lifante.Bocconea1: 303-364(1991). | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Flora Iberica | Contribuiao para o conhecimento citotaxonmico das spermatophyta de Portugal. IX. Cruciferae Queirs, M.Bol. Soc. Brot. ser. 247: 315-335(1973). | |||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | flora of NW Europe | http://wbd.etibioinformatics.nl/bis/flora.php?selected=beschrijving&menuentry=soorten&id=2307 | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 16 | Flora Europaea | LOvkvist, 1963 | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Flora Europaea | Gadella Kliphuis | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Poland Database | Skali?ska M. et al. 1950. Studies in chromosome numbers of Polish Angiosperms. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 20, 45-68. | ||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 15 | IPCN online | Beuzenberg, E. J. & J. B. Hair. 1983. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora - 25 miscellaneous species. New Zealand J. Bot. 21: 13–20. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | IPCN online | Luque, T. & Z. D. Lifante. 1991. Chromosome numbers of plants collected during Iter Mediterraneum I in the SE of Spain. Bocconea 1: 303–364. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | IPCN online | Marhold, K. 1994. Chromosome numbers of the genus Cardamine L. (Cruciferae) in the Carpathians and in Pannonia. Phyton (Horn) 34: 19–34. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 16 | 32 | IPCN online | Mĕsíček, J. 1992. In J. M|3esí|3ccek & V. Jav@0urková-Jarolímová, List of Chromosome Numbers of the Czech Vascular Plants. Academia, Praha. | ||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | IPCN online | Ancev, M. & V. Goranova. 1999. Mediterranean chromosome number reports 9 (1031--1049). Fl. Medit. 9: 331–339. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | IPCN online | Koch, M., J. Bishop & T. Mitchell-Olds. 1999. Molecular systematics and evolution of Arabidopsis and Arabis. Pl. Biol. (Stuttgart) 1: 529–537. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | IPCN online | Spasskaya, N. A. 1979. Chromosome numbers of species of the genus Cardamine L. (Brassicaceae) from the European part of the U.S.S.R. Bot. Zhurn. 64 (8): 1099–1110. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | IPCN online | Murin, A. 1978. In Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora. Part 6. Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae, Bot. 26: 1–42. | |||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | IPCN67-71 | THURLING, N. 1968. A cytotaxonomic study of Australian Cardamine. Austral. J. Bot. 16: 515-523. | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | IPCN67-71 | ELLIS, R.P . & B.M.G. JONES. 1970. Cardamine-pollen. Watsonia 8: 45. | ||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | IPCN67-71 | GADELLA, Th. W. J., & E. KLIPHUIS. 1966.' Chromosome numbers of flowering plants in the Netherlands II. Proc. Roy. Neth. Acad. Sci. Ser. C. 69: 541-556. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | IPCN75-78 | Murin 1978 | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | IPCN73-74 | QUEIROS, M. 1973. Contribuicao para o conhecimento citotaxonomico d~ Spermatophyta de Portugal. IX. Cruciferae. Bol. Soc. Brot. 47(Ser. 2 315 335. I | |||
! | Cardamine hirsuta subsp. flexuosa (With.) F. B. Forbes & Hemsl. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Kumar, 1987 | Hara, H. 1952 | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | eFlora | |||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 15 | Warwick, 2006 | Beuzenberg & Hair | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 16 | Warwick, 2006 | Mescek | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 16 | Warwick, 2006 | Pritchard | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Thurling | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Ancev & Goranova | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Mjovsky et al. | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Mescek | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Koch et al. | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Gadella & Kliphuis | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Gadella & Kliphuis | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Skali?ska | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Banach-Pogan | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Queirs | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Spasskaya | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Marhold | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Luque & Daz Lifante | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Lvkvist | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Lvkvist | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Hess et al. | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Warwick, 2006 | Marhold | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 ca. | Warwick, 2006 | Manton | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | C-values database | Mowforth MA.1986. Variation in nuclear DNA amounts in flowering plants: an ecological analysis. PhD. Thesis, University of Sheffield. Specific reference for Poa annua in Mowforth MA and Grime JP. 1989. Intra-Population Variation in Nuclear DNA Amount | ||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 2n = 32 | Austria_checklist | R. Mattick-Ehrensberger in Tischler, G. 1950. Die Chromosomenzahlen der Gef??pflanzen Mitteleuropas. p. 263. 's-Gravenhage, Uitgeverij Dr. W. Junk. under Cardamine hirsuta L. | ||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cave1956 | Lovkvist | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | Cave1963 | Gadella & Klip. 1963 | |||
! | Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | CromoCat 2015 | Marhold, K. (1994). Chromosome numbers of the genus Cardamine L. (Cruciferae) in the Carpathians and in Pannonia Phyton. Annales Rei Botanicae 34: 19-34 | ||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 16 | CromoCat 2015 | Mesí?ek, J. (1992). List of Chromosome Numbers of the Czech Vascular Plants. In J. Mesícek & V. Javurková-Jarolímová. Academia, Praha NONE LISTED | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 16 | 32 | CromoCat 2015 | M?sí?ek J. et Jarolímová-Jav?rková V. (1992). List of chromosome numbers of the Czech vascular plants. Academia, Praha. p. 1-144. | ||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 15 | CromoCat 2015 | Beuzenberg, E. J. & Hair, J. B. (1983). Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora-25 miscellanous species New Zealand J. Bot. 21: 13-20 | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | CromoCat 2015 | Ancev, M. E. & Goranova, V. (1999). Mediterranean chromosome number reports-9. Fl. Medit. 9: 331-339. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | CromoCat 2015 | Banach-Pogan, E. (1955). Further cytological studies in Cardamine L. Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae 24: 275-286. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | CromoCat 2015 | Lihová, J. & Ku?era, J. (2007). IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 4 Taxon 56(4): 1269 | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | CromoCat 2015 | Luque, T. & Díaz Lifante, Z. (1991). Chromosome numbers of plants collected during Iter Mediterraneum I in the SE of Spain. Bocconea 1: 303-364. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | CromoCat 2015 | Queirós, M. (1973c). Contribuiçao para o conhecimento citotaxonómico das Spermatophyta de Portugal. IX. Cruciferae. Bol. Soc. Brot. 47: 315-335. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | CromoCat 2015 | Skalinska, M. (1950). Studies in chromosome number of Polish angiosperms. Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae 20(1): 45-68. | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 32 | CromoCat 2015 | Tischler, G. (1950). Die chromosomenzhalen der GefäBpflanzen Mitteleuropas. s'-Gravenhage: W. Junk. 263 | |||
Cardamine flexuosa With. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | ca. 32 | CromoCat 2015 | Manton, I. (1932). Introduction to the general cytology of the Cruciferae Ann. Bot 46: 509-556 | |||
! | Cardamine occulta Hornem. | Cardamine flexuosa With. | 64 | Automatic manuscript search | T. Mandkov,J. Zozomov-Lihov,H. Kudoh,Yunpeng Zhao,M. Lysak and K. Marhold. 2019. "The story of promiscuous crucifers: origin and genome evolution of an invasive species, Cardamine occulta (Brassicaceae), and its relatives.". Annals of botany :n. pag. |